
Lokakarya dan Seminar Ilmiah Gizi 1000 HPK -WEB-PDGMIdownload
Recommendations on Wheat and maize Flour Fortification Meeting Report: Interim Consensus Statementdownload
Food Security in a Pandemicdownload
Comprehensive Implementation Plan on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutritiondownload
WHO Recommendations on Anternatal Care for a Positive Pregnancy Experiencedownload
The Coronavirus Prevention Handbookdownload
Transmission Routes of 2019-nCoV and Controls in Dental Practicedownload
Timng of Gestational Weight Gain on Fetal Growth and Infant Size at Birth in Vietnamdownload
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the Worlddownload
A Place for Palm Fruit Oil to Eliminate Vitamin A Deficiencydownload
Saving Newborn Lives (SNL)download
Child Stunting is Associated with Low Circulating Essential Amino Acidsdownload
Moving from Efficiency to Effectiveness: Red Palm Oil's Role in Preventing Vitamin A Deficiencydownload
Food Fortification in Indonesiadownload
Persistence of Coronavirus on Inanimate Surfaces and their Inactivation with Biocidal Agentsdownload
Wasting and Associated Factors Among Infants Aged 0-23 Months in 13 Provinces in Indonesia: Evidence from Indonesia Family Life Surveys (IFLS) 2000, 2007 & 2014download
Improving Nutrition and Health for Adolescentsdownload
The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2download
Journal of Health Researchdownload
Monitoring Human Growth From the Womb to Adulthooddownload
Maternal Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation and Pregnancy Outcomes in Developing Countries: Meta-analysis and Meta-regressiondownload
Calcium Supplementation During Pregnancy for Preventing Hypertensive Disorders and Related Problems (Review)download
Maternal Nutrition and Birth Outcomesdownload
What Works? Interventions For Maternal and Child Undernutrition and Survivaldownload
Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelinesdownload
Effect of Complementary Feeding with Lipid-based Nutrient Supplements and Corn-soy Blend on the Incidence of Stunning and Linear Growth Among 6- to 18-month-old Infants and Children in Rural Malawidownload
Longitudinal Change of Selected Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Association to Infants' Growth, an Observatory, Single Center, Longitudinal Cohort Studydownload
Stunting Trends and Associated Factors AMong Indonesian Children Aged 0-23 Months: Evidence From Indonesian Family Life Surveys (IFLS) 2000, 2007 and 2014download
iron Fortification Programs and Iron Statusdownload
Intergrowth-21st Project - Concepts, Methods and Resultsdownload
Potential Interventions for Novel Coronavirus in China: A Systematic Reviewdownload
Impact of Non-Pharamacuetical Interventions (NPIs) to Reduce COVID-19 Mortality and Healthcare Demanddownload
Dietary Protein in Nutrition and Healthdownload
Micronutrient Supplementation During Pregnancy (Review)
Guidelines on Food Fortification with Micronutrientsdownload
From Promise to Impact Ending Malnutrition By 2030download
Prompting Optimal Infant Feeding Practices and Effectiveness Use of Complementary Foods for Infants: Delivery Lessonsdownload
Feeding Low-Income Children During the Covid-19 Pandemicdownload
Essential Nutrition Actions Improving Meternal-Newborn-Infant and Young Child Health and Nutritiondownload
Effect of Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation During Pregnancy on Maternal and Birth Outcomesdownload
Effects of Prenatal Multimicronutrient Supplementation of Pregnancy Outcomes: A Meta-analyisisdownload
Determinants of the Stunting of Children Under Two Years Old in Indonesia: A Multilevel Analysis of the 2013 Indonesia Basic Health Surveydownload
Diskusi Ilmiah Makanan dan Status Gizi Anak Usia 6-35 Bulandownload
Early Nutrition Influences Developmental Myelination and Cognition in Infants and Young Childrendownload
COVID-19 Modelling Scenarios Indonesia (Draft)download
A Comparison of Retinyl Palmitate and Red Palm Oil B-Carotene as Strategies to Address Vitamin A Deficiencydownload
Childhood Stunting: A Global Perspectivedownload
branched-chain Fatty Acid Composition of Human Milk and the Impact of Maternal Diet: The Global Exploration of Human Milkdownload
Maternal and Child Undernutrition and Overweight in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countriesdownload
Maternal and Child Undernutrition: Global and Regional Exposures and Health Consequencesdownload
Correlation Between Universal BCG Vaccination Policy and Reduced Morbidity and Mortality for COVID-19: An Epidemiological Studydownload
Hemoglobin Status Associate with Performance IQ but not Verbal IQ in Chinese Pre-School Childrendownload
The Oxford Vegetarian Study: An Overviewdownload
Schooling and Wage Income Losses Due to early-Childhood Growth Faltering in Developing Countries: National, and Global Estimatesdownload
Adolescnet Nutrition Policy and Programming in SUN+ Countriesdownload
Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicinedownload
Global Action Plandownload
Guideline: Calcium Implementation in Pregnant Womendownload